
My name is Mariah, and I’ve been a copywriting and strategy intern here at WordsFresh for the summer of 2015. I love my Russian Blue, candlelit dinners, and long… haired men. Now, I’ll venture to guess that when reading, you figured I’d say “long walks on the beach.” Because its cliché, and it’s pretty difficult to not enjoy walking on the beach (especially when you live in land-locked Louisville), right? It’s natural to make the assumption. Our brains make assumptions every day.

But what happens when your brain assumes incorrectly? How much of life do you get wrong, or miss out on due to a lack of curiosity and a plethora of assumptions?

I’m glad to say I ask myself that just often enough to not miss out on opportunities. You see, I originally told myself that I would aim to work at a giant agency this summer, that bigger agencies have more action, so I could probably learn more from them… aaand there’s the problem: “probably” instead of researching all options.

And that’s how I found WordsFresh! I opened up my internship search to all agencies, not just giants, but to grassroots companies I hadn’t considered before. So, with a leap of faith, I applied for an internship with an agency I had never heard of in hopes that I could learn just as much as my classmates who were aiming for giants.

After my first week of work, I knew I had made the right decision. Over the summer, my classmates have suffered working 30+ hours a week unpaid, mostly performing menial tasks, while I am honored with flexible hours, pay, and independent projects that I am proud of (this blog post included). I’m truly valued here.

Being a part of a smaller team simply means that you share more of the responsibility, and from an intern’s point of view, there’s nothing more rewarding or teaching than responsibility.

Working here has given me so much: a confirmation that I chose the right degree path, and henceforth, career path; a smile on my face when I come home from work each day; and a realization that “enjoying the little things” can mean more than kisses from a little grey kitten, or an extra slice of pepperoni, that sometimes, it’s loving a small agency in the middle of the Highlands with an orange front door.


My name is Mariah, and I’ve been a copywriting and strategy intern here at WordsFresh for the summer of 2015. I love my Russian Blue, candlelit dinners, and long… haired men. Now, I’ll venture to guess that when reading, you figured I’d say “long walks on the beach.” Because its cliché, and it’s pretty difficult to not enjoy walking on the beach (especially when you live in land-locked Louisville), right? It’s natural to make the assumption. Our brains make assumptions every day.

But what happens when your brain assumes incorrectly? How much of life do you get wrong, or miss out on due to a lack of curiosity and a plethora of assumptions?

I’m glad to say I ask myself that just often enough to not miss out on opportunities. You see, I originally told myself that I would aim to work at a giant agency this summer, that bigger agencies have more action, so I could probably learn more from them… aaand there’s the problem: “probably” instead of researching all options.

And that’s how I found WordsFresh! I opened up my internship search to all agencies, not just giants, but to grassroots companies I hadn’t considered before. So, with a leap of faith, I applied for an internship with an agency I had never heard of in hopes that I could learn just as much as my classmates who were aiming for giants.

After my first week of work, I knew I had made the right decision. Over the summer, my classmates have suffered working 30+ hours a week unpaid, mostly performing menial tasks, while I am honored with flexible hours, pay, and independent projects that I am proud of (this blog post included). I’m truly valued here.

Being a part of a smaller team simply means that you share more of the responsibility, and from an intern’s point of view, there’s nothing more rewarding or teaching than responsibility.

Working here has given me so much: a confirmation that I chose the right degree path, and henceforth, career path; a smile on my face when I come home from work each day; and a realization that “enjoying the little things” can mean more than kisses from a little grey kitten, or an extra slice of pepperoni, that sometimes, it’s loving a small agency in the middle of the Highlands with an orange front door.