Storytelling: It’s still the most effective way to sell B2B
Your B2B company isn’t boring. Here’s how to find good stories to tell (and sell).
Your B2B company isn’t boring. Here’s how to find good stories to tell (and sell).
Not only is your employer cool that you’re on social media, they’re using its various channels to communicate *with you*.
Customers think in ideals. It’s time to sell the problem you solve, not the product itself.
Is your marketing budget low but your ambitions are not? These low-budget marketing tactics worked for our clients.
Here’s how to brainstorm for content ideas in a way that will get your participants to think creatively.
Write job postings that attract qualified candidates, without sounding like a corporate robot.
To understand your audience, imagine you’re the reader and ask this simple question: What do I need to know right now to make my job easier?
What does successful marketing copy and your favorite TV show have in common? More than you’d think.
Modern marketers face the challenge of writing for audiences who are constantly on the go and cover wide internet territory on their phones. Captivating them often requires capitalizing on technology.
Show of hands: As a reader, who thinks long copy is good copy? Chances are not many hands are up right now. So why do so many writers tend to drone on (and on, and on) before making their point?