How technical prewriting is like building a house

You can start by doing a little groundwork, or “prewriting,” by outlining your ideas. As you create your outline, imagine that you’re building a house with several important elements, including a structural frame, foundation, rooms and a roof.

Brand Voice: Much Ado About (Sometimes) Very Little

However you choose to define it, the voice you employ should be engaging and authentic. Often brand voice is nothing more than your natural way of communicating your product or service—an approach with real merit in a marketing environment where authenticity rules the day.

5 Simple Ways to Make Any Topic Interesting

No matter your topic, you can leverage your content to communicate what makes your business, product or service exciting and relevant. Use the five strategies outlined below to make sure readers will not only enjoy your content, but will come back for more—and share it with others.

Why Your Organization Needs an Editorial Style Guide and How to Get One

Is your meeting at two-thirty in the afternoon, 2:30 p.m. or 2:30 PM? Are you writing an email or an e-mail? Do you use a serial comma, or not? How do you know what to capitalize? How do you number and identify the figures and tables in your report? Should you use a hyphen, an en dash or an em dash? Are these questions a bit overwhelming?

  • gender writing communications diversity

Guess the writer’s gender

When you learn to do the same, you can use the habits of both to your advantage – whether you’re a copywriter or not. Here are just two of the tell-tale signs:

Social media is the life of the party

When you hire someone inexperienced, they learn to answer those questions by using your business as a guinea pig. Because they don’t understand the marketing side of social media, it’s a huge risk for very little potential reward.

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