As Neopost transitioned its name and brand to become Quadient, they also refreshed the way the company talked about its values. They asked WordsFresh: How can we launch the new values in a way that resonates with employees scattered across the globe and excites them about the future with their rebranded employer?
The ultimate goal for HR is employee engagement. That’s not easy when employees are dispersed in small regional offices or working out of their homes. However, we knew if employees would interact with messages and participate in communications, engagement would follow.
WordsFresh suggested challenging employees worldwide to help create kickoff video. Would they creatively express one of the values? Would they show their fun side? Would they take a selfie?
Yes, yes and yes.
Soon the idea became much more than a video. It became an interesting way to participate with their rebranded employer – as well as showcase their commitment to the future. Excitement spread through the organization.
Employees submitted hundreds of creative videos and photos, showing their EPIC level of passion for the new company.