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The Millennial Tightrope

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As an employer, you may have had a negative experience employing a millennial in the past. You may even have a millennial child, niece, or nephew whom you roll your eyes at, and whose behavior discourages you from hiring us. You have reasons to be guarded; we often question authority, or feel that we are suited for leadership. We learn systems and technology at a speed that surpasses the technology itself, and we have high standards for it.

Why Your Organization Needs an Editorial Style Guide and How to Get One

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Is your meeting at two-thirty in the afternoon, 2:30 p.m. or 2:30 PM? Are you writing an email or an e-mail? Do you use a serial comma, or not? How do you know what to capitalize? How do you number and identify the figures and tables in your report? Should you use a hyphen, an en dash or an em dash? Are these questions a bit overwhelming?

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