The Millennial Tightrope
As an employer, you may have had a negative experience employing a millennial in the past. You may even have a millennial child, niece, or nephew whom you roll your eyes at, and whose behavior discourages you from hiring us. You have reasons to be guarded; we often question authority, or feel that we are suited for leadership. We learn systems and technology at a speed that surpasses the technology itself, and we have high standards for it.
Why Your Organization Needs an Editorial Style Guide and How to Get One
Is your meeting at two-thirty in the afternoon, 2:30 p.m. or 2:30 PM? Are you writing an email or an e-mail? Do you use a serial comma, or not? How do you know what to capitalize? How do you number and identify the figures and tables in your report? Should you use a hyphen, an en dash or an em dash? Are these questions a bit overwhelming?
Guess the writer’s gender
When you learn to do the same, you can use the habits of both to your advantage – whether you’re a copywriter or not. Here are just two of the tell-tale signs: