The WordsFresh
Change Communications Model
A Tool to Help You Drive Organizational Change
You help your organization drive changes big and small. In fact, you’re growing and improving the company from the inside out. It’s a tall order. In our work with comms pros, we’ve seen employees go through some predictable phases when faced with change. That’s why we developed the WordsFresh Change Communications Model. Consider keeping this reference at hand so you can plan communications to reflect employees’ changing mindsets and communication needs.

I’m Aware
Mindset: Something new is happening. I wonder how it’s going to impact me. It might be good or bad. Probably bad. At the very least, it will be inconvenient.
Communication needs: If you inspire, interest or even entertain me, I’ll keep an open mind. Give me a reason to root for this. Have a purpose. Be optimistic. If you involve me, even better

I Understand
Mindset: I get it. I see why the change is important. I’ll invest some time to fully grasp what’s happening.
Communication needs: I want to know what the leaders say. I need to understand why the change is happening and what it means for me and my work. But remember, I’m busy here. Be clear. Make everything as easy for me as possible.

I Act
Mindset: Okay, I’ll engage. I’m shifting some work practices or attitudes. I’m putting the plans into action. I hope this isn’t one of those “flavor-of-the-month” kinds of changes the company is always putting out.
Communication needs: Who else is on board? I’d like to see examples of how to make these changes in my everyday life. Let’s see it in action and hear some success stories.

I Grow
Mindset: This new way of doing things is my new normal. I feel comfortable now. I’ve learned some things during this transition. I have ideas about how we can make things even better.
Communication needs: As I grow, my questions are getting more impactful. How can we keep improving? Who will listen to my ideas? What’s next? I’d like some encouragement to keep going and to learn.
The WordFresh
Change Communications Model
A Tool to Help You Drive Organizational Change
You help your organization drive changes big and small. In fact, you’re growing and improving the company from the inside out. It’s a tall order. In our work with comms pros, we’ve seen employees go through some predictable phases when faced with change. That’s why we developed the WordsFresh Change Communications Model. Consider keeping this reference at hand so you can plan communications to reflect employees’ changing mindsets and communication needs.

Mindset: Something new is happening. I wonder how it’s going to impact me. It might be good or bad. Probably bad. At the very least, it will be inconvenient.
Communication needs: If you inspire, interest or even entertain me, I’ll keep an open mind. Give me a reason to root for this. Have a purpose.
Be optimistic. If you involve me, even better

Mindset: I get it. I see why the change is important. I’ll invest some time to fully grasp what’s happening.
Communication needs: I want to know what the leaders say. I need to understand why the change is happening and what it means for me and my work. But remember, I’m busy here. Be clear. Make everything as easy for me as possible.

Mindset: Okay, I’ll engage. I’m shifting some work practices or attitudes. I’m putting the plans into action. I hope this isn’t one of those “flavor-of-the-month” kinds of changes the company is always putting out.
Communication needs: Who else is on board? I’d like to see examples of how to make these changes in my everyday life. Let’s see it in action and hear some success stories.

Mindset: This new way of doing things is my new normal. I feel comfortable now. I’ve learned some things during this transition. I have ideas about how we can make things even better.
Communication needs: As I grow, my questions are getting more impactful. How can we keep improving? Who will listen to my ideas? What’s next? I’d like some encouragement to keep going and to learn.