Can you recite your company’s core values by heart? 

Hopefully, yes, because company values help shape the company culture. And that makes a big impact on what it’s like to work there.

Values are at the heart of every thriving company. All your internal communications should ladder up to them, making sure your company values are known, lived and loved by every employee. 

Here are five ways to turn the company’s values into the steady heartbeat of day-to-day operations.

1. Be true to you

Your company’s values should show who you really are. They need to reflect what your company actually stands for, not just what sounds good.  

Authenticity is key. Employees can spot insincerity from a mile away. 

Occasionally a client will ask us to write their company values for them. We do help them create a values statement that’s meaningful and memorable – but the client needs to define the true sentiment behind it.  

Take action:  

If your company doesn’t have a statement of values, you can start creating one through collaboration.  

Get other people’s input. Ask employees and stakeholders alike:  

  • What impact do we have?  
  • What’s important to you? To all of us? 
  • What’s important to the people we serve? 
  • How did we get to where we are today? 

Getting people involved from the beginning fosters a sense of ownership. It will make your values resonate with the people expected to live them.  

And when you write the actual statement, be sure to K-I-S-S. Keep it short and simple with plain words that have real meaning.  

2. Make values your love language

Spread the love in every way you can.  

When you know your company’s values, share the message often. Let it be seen on multiple channels — via your emails, intranet, town halls and team meetings.  

Consistent repetition across different channels reinforces company values and keeps them top of mind. 

Don’t let your values be just a lofty phrase framed on the wall – or, worse, a placeholder on your website’s mission, vision and values page.

Take action:  

Show your values in operation by using stories and real-life examples from people living them every day.  

Whether it’s a story of exceptional customer service or a tale of teamwork and innovation, stories make a company’s values tangible.  

(Want to tell these stories in a word-nerd approved video? Check this out.)

3. Show up daily

Align your company’s values with your daily work by making them an essential part of what you do each day.  

Include company values in goal-setting processes and day-to-day decision-making. Be sure managers incorporate values into job descriptions, the hiring and onboarding processes and performance reviews.  

Take action:  

Make reminders that keep your company values visible and relevant.  

You can also use visual cues around the workplace — posters, digital screens or value-themed swag. 

4. Live by example

Leaders first. They need to live out the values in all their actions and decisions.  

If empathy is part of your company values, leaders need to actually listen to people’s concerns. If your values say community is important, then leaders should lead – or at least strongly support – community outreach. 

Leader behavior sets a precedent and demonstrates the importance of these values to all employees. 

Take action:  

Celebrate employees who are great examples of company values. Let them – and others – know how they’re doing.  

Recognition can be public shout-outs, awards or a simple note of appreciation. (Psst: Check out these 7 ideas.) This not only rewards, but also reinforces the values.

5. Make it personal

Everybody on your team values something.  

Helping employees see how their personal values align with the company’s leads to a deeper relationship. 

This connection can foster a deeper commitment and understanding. 

Take action:

Offer employees the chance to join activities that reflect the company’s values, whether those are community service or innovation projects.  

This involvement personalizes the values and makes them more meaningful. 

Making sure the love endures

Effectively communicating company values to employees is more than a communications task — it’s about embedding those values into the culture and operations of your organization.  

By making values visible, relatable and actionable, you will enhance employee engagement and build a more cohesive and committed workforce. 

If you need help creating engaging communications strategies to make your values part of your company’s culture, WordsFresh can help. We’d love to hear from you.

Can you recite your company’s core values by heart? 

Hopefully, yes, because company values help shape the company culture. And that makes a big impact on what it’s like to work there.

Values are at the heart of every thriving company. All your internal communications should ladder up to them, making sure your company values are known, lived and loved by every employee. 

Here are five ways to turn the company’s values into the steady heartbeat of day-to-day operations.

1. Be true to you

Your company’s values should show who you really are. They need to reflect what your company actually stands for, not just what sounds good.  

Authenticity is key. Employees can spot insincerity from a mile away. 

Occasionally a client will ask us to write their company values for them. We do help them create a values statement that’s meaningful and memorable – but the client needs to define the true sentiment behind it.  

Take action:  

If your company doesn’t have a statement of values, you can start creating one through collaboration.  

Get other people’s input. Ask employees and stakeholders alike:  

  • What impact do we have?  
  • What’s important to you? To all of us? 
  • What’s important to the people we serve? 
  • How did we get to where we are today? 

Getting people involved from the beginning fosters a sense of ownership. It will make your values resonate with the people expected to live them.  

And when you write the actual statement, be sure to K-I-S-S. Keep it short and simple with plain words that have real meaning.  

2. Make values your love language

Spread the love in every way you can.  

When you know your company’s values, share the message often. Let it be seen on multiple channels — via your emails, intranet, town halls and team meetings.  

Consistent repetition across different channels reinforces company values and keeps them top of mind. 

Don’t let your values be just a lofty phrase framed on the wall – or, worse, a placeholder on your website’s mission, vision and values page.

Take action:  

Show your values in operation by using stories and real-life examples from people living them every day.  

Whether it’s a story of exceptional customer service or a tale of teamwork and innovation, stories make a company’s values tangible.  

(Want to tell these stories in a word-nerd approved video? Check this out.)

3. Show up daily

Align your company’s values with your daily work by making them an essential part of what you do each day.  

Include company values in goal-setting processes and day-to-day decision-making. Be sure managers incorporate values into job descriptions, the hiring and onboarding processes and performance reviews.  

Take action:  

Make reminders that keep your company values visible and relevant.  

You can also use visual cues around the workplace — posters, digital screens or value-themed swag. 

4. Live by example

Leaders first. They need to live out the values in all their actions and decisions.  

If empathy is part of your company values, leaders need to actually listen to people’s concerns. If your values say community is important, then leaders should lead – or at least strongly support – community outreach. 

Leader behavior sets a precedent and demonstrates the importance of these values to all employees. 

Take action:  

Celebrate employees who are great examples of company values. Let them – and others – know how they’re doing.  

Recognition can be public shout-outs, awards or a simple note of appreciation. (Psst: Check out these 7 ideas.) This not only rewards, but also reinforces the values.

5. Make it personal

Everybody on your team values something.  

Helping employees see how their personal values align with the company’s leads to a deeper relationship. 

This connection can foster a deeper commitment and understanding. 

Take action:

Offer employees the chance to join activities that reflect the company’s values, whether those are community service or innovation projects.  

This involvement personalizes the values and makes them more meaningful. 

Making sure the love endures

Effectively communicating company values to employees is more than a communications task — it’s about embedding those values into the culture and operations of your organization.  

By making values visible, relatable and actionable, you will enhance employee engagement and build a more cohesive and committed workforce. 

If you need help creating engaging communications strategies to make your values part of your company’s culture, WordsFresh can help. We’d love to hear from you.


Three fresh ideas (and a meme)

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